Category «Newsletters»

Invitation to Pray with SVHR August 15, 2023 & Newsletter

Direction Confirmation “How do I know if I’m on track with God?” “How do I know if I’m hearing from God, or listening to my own imagination?” These questions come up in Healing Room appointments. Sometimes people know they’re on track in one area of their lives, but not sure about another. It could be …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR August 1, 2023 & Newsletter

Cherish the Intimacy Life is complex! The journey of maturity usually involves God working with us on one area of our lives after another. It could be cleaning up our language (no swearing, criticism, or sarcasm), changing our fears to trust, or developing Godly habits (quiet time, Bible Study, and Sabbath). All directions point toward …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR June 20, 2023 & Newsletter

Breaking Bad Habits Have you ever struggled with breaking a bad habit?  It could be binge watching TV shows or eating a particular food or something more serious. It can be really hard to stop, even if we know it is impacting other people. If it is a deep rooted issue, it might seem more …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR June 6, 2023 & Newsletter

Celebrating Pentecost Pentecost is where the fire of the Lord came down on approximately 120 people. Flames of fire were on top of peoples’ heads and people started talking in strange languages. They didn’t know it then or have terms for it, but the Holy Spirit was given to the people who believed Jesus was …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR May 16, 2023 & Newsletter

New Strategies We are in the time between Easter and Pentecost. It was in this time frame that Jesus appeared to many people individually, to the disciples, and in group gatherings. He taught and gave the commissions to make disciples of all the nations, baptize people, teach them to observe the commandments, preach the gospel, …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR May 2, 2023 & Newsletter

Healing PTSD The first thing to know about Healing PTSD is that It IS Possible! You are invited to a special conference with Dr. Mike Hutchings teaching live on Friday night May 12 and Saturday May 13. He has ministered to thousands of people and seen miraculous results. He will address both military and non-military …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR April 18 2023 & Newsletter

Entering In After Easter Many churches now offer baptism as part of their Easter celebration service. It seems natural that people who come and learn of Jesus’s death on the cross for them, and resurrection, would want to commit their lives to Jesus and start worshiping Him. What a day to enter into the wonders …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR April 4, 2023 & Newsletter

Declarations of Scripture We find lots of scripture with promises in the Bible. And it’s easy to read these as merely nice sentences. In fact, if God promises something in scripture, it can be depended upon. How is that possible? Sometimes, a particular sentence or scripture will leap off the page and into our hearts. …