The Silicon Valley Healing Rooms is a safe place to come and receive prayer for anything you like. We have trained 2-3 person teams to pray for you. Currently appointments are online and by request only.
Please return a completed Prayer Request form from the “Contact Us” page prior to your visit. This enables us to target specific prayers to your needs, like specific prayers for certain medical needs. You may want to bring paper and pencil to your appointment to capture any images or scripture of prophetic words shared during the visit. More details of the prayer request are often shared during the visit. The team prays for you. Then we ask if you would like to hear what God said to the team before you joined them. If yes, we offer words, images or scripture previously received or pray for whatever the Lord brings up. That’s the end of the appointment.
Each appointment is unique. At the end, there may be handouts deemed helpful so supplying your contact info (email & phone) are useful.
All are welcome to come and receive prayer. God is good and powerful. We see amazing things happen as a result of prayer. Some people get healed right away. Others leave and see their condition improve over time. We love to hear people’s stories.
I was very hesitant to share about God. However, after accepting Jesus and walking by faith, I transformed into an intercessor who God has used to help others.
I could have intermittent times where the Holy Spirit lead me to draw things that I didn’t even know about. I was certain that these drawings were foretelling something in the future Though people doubted me, I truly believed I was drawing in the presence of the holy spirit. Eventually, I began drawing for people who need help emotionally and spiritually, particularly when I was doing the pantry ministry with healing hands from God.
God was able to show his mercy and grace through my art, like the healing of ankle fractures and healing eyes. Additionally, he gifted me to see visions and to draw and heal them. Walking by faith, I transformed into an intercessor who God has used to help others.