Category «Newsletters»

Invitation to Pray with SVHR February 20, 2024 & Newsletter

CLOSING THE BACK DOORS Many people struggle with insecurity, lack of confidence, shame, guilt, fear, and anxiety. The full list includes much more. These conditions can come from trauma, abandonment, embarrassment, extreme parental harshness, or being constantly criticized, bullied, teased, or called names. Oftentimes the root issue stems from rejection. Rejection can lead to physical …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR February 6, 2024 & Newsletter

CLOSING THE BACK DOORS 2024 has been identified as the Year of the Door. Opportunities and destiny lie before us. As we prepare to move forward, it is also a time of closing the back doors. The enemy has a sneaky way of returning through open back doors to re-instigate old action points or thinking …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR January 16, 2024 & Newsletter

SPIRITUAL PILLARS FOR 2024 What’s the word for the year? Some people take time with God to discern a “word,” or a “phrase,” that they believe is their individual theme for the year. Some people seek prophetic words that strongly resonate as a word for the season. This year seems to have lot of change …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR January 2, 2024 & Newsletter

GO THROUGH THE DOORS 2024 has arrived! This year comes with doors of opportunity. The Lord is opening doors this year, and it will be time to go through. Angie Stolba writes, “The calling is to occupy what is beyond the open door.” In the words of King David, “He brought me out into a …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR December 5, 2023 & Newsletter

ASK GOD FOR WISDOM Many people come to the Healing Rooms wanting clear direction for what God wants in their lives. It’s a good place to start. For one thing, God promises to give us wisdom. “If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide him through a decision or circumstance], he is to ask of …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR November 21, 2023 & Newsletter

Fighting disease can feel like one is in a battle, because it is a battle. Part of that battle is the spiritual component. We are fighting off discouragement, frustration, and abandonment by God. The longer a condition lingers, the easier it is to wonder if things will change. We get weary doing all the right …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR November 7, 2023 & Newsletter

Last month we started to look at verses that we could focus on based on certain topics that come up in our heads and hearts. We considered the issues of Life, Thankfulness, and Hope. This newsletter, “Lock on a Verse—Part 2” will focus on the certainty that our prayers are heard, knowing that God is …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR October 17, 2023 & Newsletter

The Bible says, “Fear Not,” or “Do Not Fear” at least 365 times. We are not supposed to operate in fear. Yet all of us experience fear.  And many times for very valid reasons. Fear is a natural human response to danger. Most of the time we can identify the source of fear and deal …