Invitation to Pray with SVHR May 21, 2024 & Newsletter

Recognizing the Battle Lines of Illness

Smith Wigglesworth identified the war that illness thrusts us into. Being ill forces us into a battle for life – at the very point where our energy levels are diminished from the “work” of helping our bodies fight the disease.

Jesus labeled the devil a thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (see John 10:10). in the same verse, Jesus’ lays out His goals for His followers to have life and have it more abundantly. These objectives put the believer in the middle, having to choose which way to learn and which perspective to adopt with our words, minds, and imaginations. It is our job to be vigilant against all the strategies of our enemy, the Devil, in spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical arenas.

Specifically, Wigglesworth writes “If I cannot make a person who is suffering from disease righteously indignant again the condition, I cannot help him. If I can make every sufferer know that suffering, disease, and all these things are the workings of the Devil, I can help him.” Being aware of the battle, and who’s on whose side becomes crucial for victory.

Smith goes on to argue that one needs to step into the “full time of the life of the manifestation of God. Your new nature has no corruption in it. Eternal life is not just during your lifetime; it is forever. You are regenerated by the power of the Word of God, and it is in you as an incorruptible force, taking you on from victory to victory until death itself can be overcome, until sin has no authority, until disease could not be in the body. This is a living fact by the Word of God.”

Wigglesworth ends this talk by saying that Christians need to focus on the things above and keep our whole spirit alive in God. Colossians 3:2 reads, “Set your mind and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth” (AMPC). This is particularly challenging when medical advice and medical prescriptions consume our thinking for many hours of the day. Nonetheless, Wigglesworth exhorts the believer to, “let your inheritance be so full of divine life that you live above the world and all its thoughts and cares.” It takes courage to achieve this goal. As we navigate the conditions of our illness, we take comfort in remembering that God does not gives us more than we can handle. We can keep asking Him to show us the path through the storm (even when we only see one step ahead) until we get to the other side.

The Healing Rooms teams stand ready to pray and listen to God on behalf of all who come. All appointments are confidential. We also have resources on many topics from others that have gone before us and weathered many difficult trials. Come and borrow the faith of the team members to fan the flames of faith in whatever situation we might find ourselves.

God Answers Prayer

Since our last Healing Rooms Open Hours:

We had Training on May 4, 2024, for several new people interested in joining the prayer team. We saw people healed on the spot of many different things. Seeing people get healed builds the faith of everyone in the room. 

I wanted to share a prophetic word released by Rick Taylor, the National Director of the International Association of Healing Rooms. His Healing Room is located in Santa Maria, CA.

“God is moving in new and powerful ways right now and it’s going to increase over the Summer and I’m believing for a mighty move of outpouring by this Fall.  It’s already begun here in Santa Maria. We are seeing lots of salvations, over fifty in the last few weeks! There’s an increase in healing and miracles as well as an increase of people coming for ministry. We do HR’s four days a week in Santa Maria, and it’s been a challenge because of the numbers of people coming desperate for a touch of God! So, we are expanding our teams, bringing in and training more ministry warriors to keep up with the demand.

It’s time! Be encouraged! It’s begun! We have entered into increase! 

The Lord spoke to us at the beginning of the year, that this year is the year of “New Beginnings”, a year of “Breakthrough”, a year of “Open Heavens” and a year of “New Wine”! I want to encourage you to Dream Big, Ask Big, Believe Big, and you will Receive Big!”

The teams prayed for jobs, interviews, moving decisions, students studying for final exams, finding destiny, back pain, neck pain, sleep instead of insomnia, decisions about work/ministry, adult children relationships, trauma relief, chemotherapy side effects to diminish, stamina, marriage challenges, mental well-being, help and wisdom in caregiving, financial breakthroughs, ear issues, blood platelet irregularities, Lyme disease symptoms, and sibling relationships.

Scheduling An Appointment

Together, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Prayer Ministers are ready to take your prayer requests to God in prayer. They also seek God’s word for you in advance of the appointment.

We are now taking signups for prayer appointments for Tuesday May 21, 2024

To sign up for an appointment, there are TWO STEPS:

1.  Let us know your TOP THREE APPOINTMENT TIME PREFERENCES, in order of priority.

We will coordinate the teams, and send the zoom information on Monday for the appointment on Tuesday.

2.  Share a phone number so we can TEXT you with scheduling changes.

In the event that we are not able to offer you the time frames you desire, you may share a phone number with us to text you if an opening should arise when someone needs to cancel an appointment. This happens from time to time, and we are able to text you to see if you are available to join an available prayer team. All information is confidential to the ministry and is not used for solicitation. This step is optional.

You are welcome to sign up for prayer appointments at the following times listed below:

Morning Times:11:10 to 11:40 am
11:55 to 12:25 pm
12:40 to 1:10 pm
Evening Times:7:10 to 7:40 pm
7:55 to 8:25 pm
8:40 to 9:10 pm

It is our greatest joy to join you in prayer and pray for whatever you want to bring before God.
We pray, believing, knowing, and confident that God answers prayer.

If you don’t need prayer right now, you are welcome to forward this to others you know that might want people to pray with them.

***We love to hear how God has answered prayer. Please share what God has done in your life as a result of prayer. You can reply to this email, or share it in your appointment, or write a comment on our web site.

The spiritual winds are blowing strength, life, and peace into us,

Stephanie Shoquist, Donna Maranon, Jim Clow
Directors, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Team

Future Open Hours Online. For 2024: May 21 & June 4

For more information about Silicon Valley Healing Rooms visit


You can contribute to Silicon Valley Healing Rooms online or by cash or check. Learn more by visiting the website

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