Invitation to Pray with SVHR March 5, 2024 & Newsletter

Preparation for Healing

Everyone wants to live in complete health. When we get ill, or receive a doctor’s diagnosis, we update our diet, our exercise program, our medicine routine, and our mental fortitude. Some people seek spiritual healing and prayer. If someone hasn’t prayed in a while, they usually seek someone else’s prayer and hope it works. Then they return to the practical steps they can control.

Meanwhile, there is a way to get ready for the spiritual power of prayer to take root. It’s harder to do, but it creates the essential base for prayers to operate. Let’s look at the five things one can do to prepare for healing.


This can not be emphasized enough. This step may require one to create a list of people to forgive going way back. It really is worth the time to sit down and figure out what is stopping the forgiveness process. Life is short. No matter how challenging it may be, God can give us the strength, even the desire, to forgive others. Not forgiving can block our own healing. Some of our lists may need to include ourselves. Nosin is too big for God to forgive. Yes, even that thing. And some of our lists may include the need to forgive God. This may be complicated, and good to do with another person. Without doing this step of forgiveness, it can lead to disappointment and dashed expectations. And this is a block to receiving healing.


The word repent means to turn and go in a different direction. It means more than, “Oops. Sorry I did that.” It’s more akin to, “I’m sorry I hurt someone else. I won’t do that again. I will adjust and change my ways.” This step alone can have a huge and meaningful difference in life. A new attitude can often change the attitudes of others that come at us. Sometimes this will take a few daggers out of our backs, spiritually speaking. The most important change repentance brings is a turning toward God. Th goal is to learn to trust His ways, even when we don’t understand them. Next, we learn to trust His purposes as always being good, even in the midst of challenging circumstances. If we can learn to yield to God, it helps our spirits to receive more of the light of God into our beings which brings healing.


Prayer is a two way conversation. We can talk to God as if He’s in the room with us. We can listen by sitting with the Bible and reading it, or by accessing a devotional, or by listening to solid spiritual teaching. All of these help the dialogue of prayer. If we are not getting the answer we want, we can try asking more questions of God. He may answer our second or third question before getting back to the main question. Also, when we pray, we must learn to expect (not test) God to move. He does answer prayer, but it may not be the answer we want. Demand style prayers may not get results either. Praying with others in a small group also adds to the “two or more” factor. (See Matthew 18:20).


In addition to reading Scripture, we can try putting our own name in the passage. A good place to start is with the Psalms. King David’s emotions can seem as if thy are our own. When this is true, we can insert our name into the Psalm, making it seem as if it was our own words. We can also try inserting our names in passages where God speaks directly to the reader with promises to bless us. It can make Scripture come alive, until it feels like it’s ours.

               “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds” (Jer 30:17).


God’s word is a truth plumb line. When we’re sick, we have to be very careful where our thoughts take us. It’s easy to think, “It’s not a good day. How can the Bible say it is? It feels like the other side (illness and poor health) is winning. How can God really care about me? It’s not a good report, so why should I praise God? It’s not “coming to pass” like Scripture says. How long will it take?” Every question is valid and natural for us humans to ask. And the good news is that every question also has an answer. It helps to write down our questions and process them with God and with others. People have written volumes on these topics. It’s good to discuss it with God Himself, as well and others. Seek people who have a solid faith and have worked through some of the answers. Ultimately it is a choose to believe what God says or not. This has been the choice of every human being through the ages. It’s probably why the Bible says, “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7 AMP).

God Answers Prayer

Since our last Healing Rooms Open Hours:

A woman said that her visit to the Healing Rooms was excellent, and she felt cared for. She felt the unction to move forward to explore a business idea. She is coughing less now and her toe feels better.

A woman came on late and said the Prayer Team members were ready for her with confirming words without her having to say a thing. She senses His leading and empowerment to make decisions in alignment with God. She felt freed to do that. She slept better after leaving. And she showed up at work without the mean people stealing her joy. She felt less alone in the workplace.

One man said he sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit as the session continued. God brought him insight on the walls that had been put in place to handle the trauma, pain, fear and hurt of the past. He realized that some of the walls have come down already, and some are no longer needed. Since the visit, he feels the Lord did a deep work and is continuing to answer the prayers that were prayed during the visit.

One woman came and left with great joy. The Prayer Team members had received some picture images that brought laughter to the meeting. It made her feel like the Holy Spirit wanted her to laugh in the midst of a month of challenges and an uncertain future. The laughter and joy changed her perspective and hope was released.

The teams prayed for jobs, moving decisions and timing, searching for a church, finding destiny, back pain, sleep instead of insomnia, decisions about work/ministry, parent-child relationships, trauma relief, chemotherapy side effects to diminish, breaking curses, marriage challenges, mental well-being, help in caring for elderly parents, financial breakthroughs, knee issues, and sibling relationships.

Scheduling An Appointment

Together, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Prayer Ministers are ready to take your prayer requests to God in prayer. They also seek God’s word for you in advance of the appointment.

We are now taking signups for prayer appointments for Tuesday March 5, 2024

To sign up for an appointment, there are TWO STEPS:

1.  Let us know your TOP THREE APPOINTMENT TIME PREFERENCES, in order of priority.

We will coordinate the teams, and send the zoom information on Monday for the appointment on Tuesday.

2.  Share a phone number so we can TEXT you with scheduling changes.

In the event that we are not able to offer you the time frames you desire, you may share a phone number with us to text you if an opening should arise when someone needs to cancel an appointment. This happens from time to time, and we are able to text you to see if you are available to join an available prayer team. All information is confidential to the ministry and is not used for solicitation. This step is optional.

You are welcome to sign up for prayer appointments at the following times listed below:

Morning Times:11:10 to 11:40 am
11:55 to 12:25 pm
12:40 to 1:10 pm
Evening Times:7:10 to 7:40 pm
7:55 to 8:25 pm
8:40 to 9:10 pm

It is our greatest joy to join you in prayer and pray for whatever you want to bring before God.
We pray, believing, knowing, and confident that God answers prayer.

If you don’t need prayer right now, you are welcome to forward this to others you know that might want people to pray with them.

***We love to hear how God has answered prayer. Please share what God has done in your life as a result of prayer. You can reply to this email, or share it in your appointment, or write a comment on our web site.

The spiritual winds are blowing strength, life, and peace into us,

Stephanie Shoquist, Donna Maranon, Jim Clow
Directors, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Team

Future Open Hours Online. For 2024: March 5, March 19

For more information about Silicon Valley Healing Rooms visit


You can contribute to Silicon Valley Healing Rooms online or by cash or check. Learn more by visiting the website

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