Steps to Opening the Heavens
When our prayers don’t get answered quickly, it can feel like God is not listening and the heavens aren’t open. There are three things we can do that help unlock the heavens.
1. Gratitude
Approaching heaven with an attitude of gratitude. Psalm 100:4-5 tells us to “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” We may not have all we want at the moment, but it is a good place to start with what we do have to be thankful for. We may not have our healing, or our breakthrough, or the turnaround story in our children’s lives. But we thank God for His promise to go with us through everything in life. We start with praising Him for the life we have now, for this day. We have a roof over our head. We have running water. We have clothes. The majority of us have food for today, and even for tomorrow. Start with everything we do have. We praise Him for all God promises to those who believe in Him in Scripture. Thanksgiving is one of the keys that unlock more answers to prayer.
2. Hunger for More
The second thing that unlocks heaven is a hunger for more. Matthew 5:6 reads,
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Some people come before God asking for “just this one thing.” But God wants us to come asking and receiving more of Him. When our prayers aren’t answered, we can turn away and seek answers elsewhere, or press in closer to find out more about the “Why?”. The hunger-for-more encourages us to look deeper in Scripture, to persevere, to ask for things in a different way. By the time people of faith receive their prayer, there’s usually a story that goes with it. Most people who have great faith have learned to tarry in their prayer closets. When they do receive their answer, they are more confident of God’s love for them than ever before.
3. Ask Expectantly
We receive what we expect. Jesus repeatedly rewarded faith when He saw it. “And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. God in peace, and be healed of your affliction” (Mark 5:34). He rewarded the gentile woman who wanted healing for her daughter. Jesus denied her at first. But she made her argument about crumbs from the table and Jesus healed her daughter. And her daughter wasn’t even in the building. (See Matthew 15:26-28.) Silicon Valley Healing Room Prayer Ministers expect God to move. We expect God to change circumstances as a result of prayer. We expect God to do miracles. Even if it doesn’t happen within a 30 minute window of time, we look for and expect to see answers to prayer over the next few days and weeks.
When the disciple Nathanael first met Jesus, Jesus said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man” (John 1:51). This promise continues to hold true today.
God Answers Prayer
One lady described her appointment as good. She commented that God had moved in different directions from her stated prayer requests at the beginning of the appointment. God surprised her and let her know that He was aware of her deeper unspoken concerns and that He is at work on them. She felt better at the end of the appointment.
One woman came having just received a “Cancer Free” status at the end of her chemotherapy. She’s continuing to work with the recommended medical procedures. But she gives glory to God for walking with her through the journey. She commented that her mother, who previously was not sure there was a God, now believed there was a God, after watching her daughter’s faith blossom in the midst of this journey.
The prayers requests were for God to act on many issues including life stressers, cancer, constant pain, eye surgery, relationships with family members, issues with lust, recovery from COVID, recovery from a car accident, relationships with adult children, a new job, financial concerns, direction, decisions to make, and caregiving of parents.
Scheduling An Appointment
Together, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Prayer Ministers are ready to take your prayer requests to God in prayer. They also seek God’s word for you in advance of the appointment.
We are now taking signups for prayer appointments for Tuesday June 21, 2022.
To sign up for an appointment, there are TWO STEPS:
1. Let us know your TOP THREE APPOINTMENT TIME PREFERENCES, in order of priority.
We will coordinate the teams, and send the zoom information on Monday June 20, 2022, for the appointment times on Tuesday June 21, 2022.
2. Share a phone number so we can TEXT you with scheduling changes.
In the event that we are not able to offer you the time frames you desire, you may share a phone number with us to text you if an opening should arise when someone needs to cancel an appointment. This happens from time to time, and we are able to text you to see if you are available to join an available prayer team. All information is confidential to the ministry and is not used for solicitation. This step is optional.
You are welcome to sign up for prayer appointments at the following times listed below:
Morning Times: | 11:10 to 11:40 am |
11:55 to 12:25 pm | |
12:40 to 1:10 pm | |
Evening Times: | 7:10 to 7:40 pm |
7:55 to 8:25 pm | |
8:40 to 9:10 pm |
It is our greatest joy to join you in prayer and pray for whatever you want to bring before God.
We pray, believing, knowing, and confident that God answers prayer.
If you don’t need prayer right now, you are welcome to forward this to others you know that might want people to pray with them.
***We love to hear how God has answered prayer. Please share what God has done in your life as a result of prayer. You can reply to this email, or share it in your appointment, or write a comment on our web site.
The spiritual winds are blowing strength, life, and peace into us,
Stephanie Shoquist, Donna Maranon, Jim Clow
Directors, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Team
Future Open Hours Online. For 2022: June 21, July 5 & 19, August 2 & 16.
For more information about Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, visit
You can contribute to Silicon Valley Healing Rooms for 2022 tax deductions online by visiting the website