We are thankful for YOU.
The SVHR team includes each of you.
You are special and appreciated.
Thank you for your prayers and time and commitment to SVHR.
The Lord is well pleased with you.
A prayer focus: Action Plan for Thanksgiving
The Action Plan for Thanksgiving
Psalm 100 (NKJV)
“Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness
Come before His presence with singing.
Know that the LORD, He is God
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving
And into His courts with praise,
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name
For the Lord is good;
His mercy is everlasting
And His truth endures to all generations.”
Make a joyful shout. Let us get our mouths in gear and Praise Him. Say what we are thankful for. Start with Praise
Serve. Let us find ways to serve the Lord. Sometimes it’s just showing up to a difficult situation. Sometimes, it’s finding a kitchen serving meals to the homeless. Sometimes, it’s being inclusive by extending an invitation to join with another’s family.
Come before Him. For some, this is easy and we can easily sing a song. Others come to a Thanksgiving table and it’s the first time they’ve bowed their head for grace in a long time. Coming before Him often requires us to face our stuff. This little phrase might be difficult for some and we pray it is a literal time before God letting God do His cleansing work. Find time to sing a song at some point during the day.
Know He is God Keep this knowledge that He is God who sits on the throne. There is none before Him. Because He has the whole world in His hands, we do not need to fear. You may be the only one with this knowledge around the Thanksgiving table. Let this knowledge permeate out of you (even silently) into the atmosphere all around.
God Made Us. We did not have to make ourselves. He did it. He created each person with a unique gift package. This truth doesn’t allow us to pretend we’re self-sufficient. We need God and we need one another. That’s God’s design plan. Let us be thankful for the design plan God had in mind, no matter how far we or our family members have strayed.
Enter In We can enter in to wherever we are at Thanksgiving with gratitude and thanksgiving in our hearts. We enter His courts with praise. The word courteous comes from the manner one was supposed to have in the “courts of the king.” We can walk in a courteous fashion. As kindness and courteousness goes out of vogue, the person who is courteous stands out like a welcome light in the dark world that craves approval and acceptance.
Bless God. Giving God glory and credit for things that other people take for granted as just “nature” or “the way science is” can cause a person to recognize the Divine Creator behind the sunset or the changing seasons.
Truth Endures Let us be thankful that truth does endure to all generations. Whether people admit certain truths or not, God is all about truth and what is true, lasts forever. Let us be the reminders that God is good (so many forget this if they don’t like their circumstances.) Let us rely on His mercy and loving kindness. This is the truth of God’s character that last throughout the generations. Let us look for the threads of His mercy in our families from generation to generation.
Operating in the Love of God and the Patience of Christ
May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 (NLT)
We may need the patience of Christ with some of our families. Let the Lord provide this and show us how to express the love of God.
Let us Hold our Victory Place in the Journey with God
Family holiday time can let us revert back to feeling like our childhood selves. All the victory we’ve gained in our maturity in Christ can go out the window with hone or two jabs from a sibling and there we are arguing the same argument we had 30 or 40 years ago. It is time to (a) let go of old memories and keep our new position. (b) to put a guard over our mouth (c) to bring our mature spiritual man with us to Thanksgiving.
Isaiah 26: 12-14
SVHR Open Hours: December 6 & 20 11am to 1pm AND 7-9 pm