SVHR OPEN HOURS are September 6 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
September 6, 2016 SVHR
Fall is upon us. A new school year has started. There’s a shift from summer vacations to getting back to work and taking on new projects. There’s new training for some. It feels like a fresh beginning to a new season. Whatever our focus, let us ask God what He may have for us in all that we do. Sometimes His answers can surprise us. It’s important to align with the direction to which His Holy Spirit points. The wind of the Spirit is moving. Let us adjust our sails to catch His wind and sail forth into this season.
A woman came in for pain in her spine, back, neck and shoulder. When she left, she said her pains had left and she felt an energy working in her for healing. Stress also lifted from her body around the neck and shoulder areas. The team shared about healing the whole person in body, soul, mind, and emotions. She felt lighter when she left.
A man came in with an injured shoulder. The team heard a song and wrote down Psalm 121:1-2, emphasizing that this man’s help is from the Lord. After prayer, he was able to rotate his shoulder and lift—which he had not been able to do when he arrived. He called it a miracle.
A woman came in with pain in her left Achilles tendon around the heel of her foot. After prayer, her pain went to zero! She was able to stand up on her heel, which had not been possible before. She left being able to walk normally. The pain had lifted and went away.
“And Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.’” Joshua 3:5
When Joshua was leading the Israelites across the Jordan, they needed to come out of their old identity as slaves who had left Egypt. They needed to cross over into their new covenant identity with God and land owners. Joshua had separate instructions for the priests and how they would carry the ark across first and the river would part—and it did! To the people he said, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”
If you feel the Lord nudging you to be sanctified or pulled aside for a preparation season, listen to His voice. For some, it may be a season of not watching TV, or spending more time with Him in scripture or planting winter vegetables in the garden. Whatever it might be, follow the nudge. God is getting ready to do wonders among you and through you.
Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets were in California doing a seminar called “Unlocking New Supply Lines” over Labor Day weekend. They sense that God is getting ready to do something new in this state. His heart is one of mercy and not judgment. This may be important to remember during the next two months.
They encouraged the intercessors to continue praying. They acknowledged that it seems like they are always telling the intercessors to keep praying. They added that it is because of the intercessors’ prayers that things are not worse than they are. Most people live unaware of the prayers that occur around the clock for our state and our nation. Nonetheless, God hears them and it is because of the prayers of the intercessors that California is where California is. Good job, intercessors. Nonetheless, keep praying, because there is still a battle for this state in heaven. That was their encouragement and challenge.
We met on a “boat” for this meeting. It was on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. They said it was on the boat that Jesus challenged his disciples to recognize who He was, and they saw him walk on water. From there, Jesus made the disciples do what seemed impossible – like feed the 5,000. We are being commissioned to start doing the impossible.
Some of you will be taking the Heart Sync training which starts the same day as Healing Rooms, September 6. Blessings to you, as you learn. We may have a lighter team on Tuesday evening, so we are asking for RSVP’s for Healing Rooms tomorrow.
God will be doing wonders among us in the Healing Rooms tomorrow!
Stephanie Shoquist, Corinna Kong, and Jeeti Gill
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms
557 Hyannis Dr., Sunnyvale CA 94087
Open Hours: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Sept 6 & 20, Oct . 4 & 18, November 1 & 15
Santa Cruz Healing Room Training – October 2016