SVHR Open Hours Nov 1, 2016 & Newsletter

SVHR OPEN HOURS are November 1 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm

November 1, 2016 SVHR

Time to Trick or Treat Photo by Christianity Today
Time to Trick or Treat
Photo by Christianity Today


With God, you get honesty and integrity.  There are no tricks to God’s program.  There may be a few twists and unexpected turns in life.  These do not take God by surprise.  They are all part of God’s divine plan for each life. His plan for you has a way out, a way through and a way over every obstacle.  By faith, we Praise God for all things, knowing that He is able to make everything work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28.  Come and join the Silicon Valley Healing Rooms tomorrow as we gather to love God together, and call forth His good purposes for each person we pray for.


Young boy with Shofar Photo:
Young boy with Shofar
Cal Pierce shared the story from the Kids Healing Rooms in Kentucky.  A team of kids (ranging from 3 to 10) prayed for a women who came in for prayer about her migraines.  The adult supervisor had seen the sheet the woman had filled out and didn’t tell the kids what the issue was, but told them that they might want to keep their voices down to a whisper as they prayed for the woman.  (She had written that loud noises bothered her).  The woman entered and shared with the kids that she wanted prayer for her migraines.  The youngest girl on the team (age 3) said she felt God wanted them to blow the shofar.  She didn’t wait for an answer.  She left the room to go find where the Healing Room shofar was and brought it back into the appointment room.  One of the older boys knew how to blow it and he went right up to the woman receiving pray and blew it loud.  This is what they felt God wanted them to do.  After they blew the shofar, they all started laughing, and the woman joined in too.  They asked her how she felt.  She said she felt great.  She said when they blew the shofar on the one side of her head, the migraine went out the other side of her head through the ear.  And that was the last migraine she had.A woman came asking for prayer about wanting to trust God more.  The team prayed about this.  At some point they asked God to speak directly to her heart.  They waited.  The woman came back with a question.  “How big is your God?” As the woman thought about this, she started to focus on how big God is.  She was able to put each of her concerns in perspective to His power and abilities.  This awareness produced peace.  She left reminded of Psalm 91:9-10.  “Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, ‘No evil shall befall you.  Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling.’”


Cal and Michelle Pierce were in San Francisco this weekend.  They are the founders of International Association of Healing Rooms.  There were so many nuggets shared throughout the conference.  I will be sharing some of them with the team and in this newsletter over the next few months.

A thought is called a seed.  A seed of a new thought can get planted in us when we hear a sermon, study the Bible, have a dream, or receive prayer.  It is up to us to not toss the seed out with a contrary response such as “That can’t happen.”  Or, “It didn’t work.”

When a seed gets planted, it takes prayer to nourish the seed and increase the seed.  God may put an idea for a new book in a believer, but it takes effort and work to bring it forth.  God doesn’t usually plant an entire book inside an author.

With regards to healing, the “truth” of a healing seed has the “DNA” of healing.  A daisy seed when planted will grow a daisy, as will a carnation.  Seeds get watered by declaration.  So a person may receive prayer that “By His stripes you are healed.”  (Isaiah 53:5)The way this seed gets watered is by confessing this truth.  That means to say this truth out loud and to believe it.  If a person tests the new plant for fruit right away and doesn’t find any, they may conclude that there is no “truth” to this sentence for them. Some plants need to develop roots and they take time to produce fruit and be ready for a harvest.  But the seed planted has the DNA to be exactly the kind of plant that the seed is.  Expecting a pumpkin seed to produce a pumpkin right away is possible.  But it takes time to grow and develop and then become a pumpkin and turn the color of orange over time.  Our expectancy is based on what we know the DNA of that seed to be.  For a long time, it’s not based on what one can see.

So part of receiving healing is receiving the thought, the seed, of what the Bible says about healing and allowing that to grow and develop in our minds and hearts.  Our minds must be set on the DNA of the seed.  We have been given the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16. And with this mind, the Bible says, “It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.”  Matthew 13:11.  So keep asking.  Keep meditating on the truths in scripture.  Keep believing.  Keep open to the possibilities of heaven.  Let God show you what He is ready to reveal to you.

Meanwhile, let us believe the stories and testimonies of what God has already done.


We gather tomorrow for Healing Room appointments.  Let us pray for the team members as well as all those who come for prayer.  May He accomplish all He wants to do tomorrow.



Vote on Election  Day 2016 Photo:
Vote on Election Day 2016
Next week is the US national election.  Let us pray for peaceful elections.  Let us pray for God to nudge people to exercise their privilege to vote.  Let us pray for acceptance of what the people decide.  Let us pray for a peaceful transition.  Let us pray for peace for our country.You all hear so well from God. Keep praying as the Lord directs!TO THE TEAM

Thank you for your faithfulness in coming last Open Hours.  Let us prepare ourselves this week in prayer as we gather to pray for others.  Sometimes things get stirred up over Halloween, so people may be coming for prayer tomorrow.  Our God is in command and sees all things.  He hears all your prayers.  Tomorrow we join together in prayer with hearts of compassion to pray for many.  God honors this and shifts the atmosphere.  He works with the prayers of the saints.  May He bless all your homes this evening with grace and love. Halloween is a chance to give out blessings with treats of candy.


Stephanie Shoquist, Donna Maranon, Corinna Kong, and Jeeti Gill

Silicon Valley Healing Rooms



 Open Hours:  1st & 3rd Tuesdays November 1 & 15, Dec 6 & 20


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