SVHR OPEN HOURS March 20, 2018 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
Chris Overstreet was in town at the Jesus Awakening March 9-10. Chris hails from Bethel and specialized in street evangelism. The conference conducted four teams to canvas four different locations in the East Bay before the conference started. 56 people heard about Jesus and accepted him as their savior in one afternoon! Awesome!
Each team shared a highlight story as the conference started. One team talked about 2 brothers who had been talking for two months wondering what exactly it meant to accept Jesus. They got their question answered in a parking lot. Another man said he had had “the strangest desire to read a Bible for the last three weeks.” He wasn’t sure he had one and where to begin. Both of these stories reveal God working on the hearts of people long before the teams got there. We are definitely in a new season! God is going before us and stirring up the hearts of the people to be open to Jesus.
Feedback from our last Open Hours
Q: How was your experience today?
“Wonderful! I feel so encouraged and restored. I am filled to the brim with stress and I am leaving filled with the Holy Spirit and new hope.”
“Very encouraging. I am trusting in God”
“Hopeful, encouraging”
“Totally rejuvenated in the spirit and physical”
Q: What did God do for you during your time at the Healing Rooms?”
“God revealed to me that I need to rest and let go of past hurts so that I can be restored and do His work.”
“Met me where I’m at in my life right now—God is in control! I am healed! Confessing God’s word and praising Him!”
“Usher in a new start. Thank you!”
“Broke generational curses and gave me a sense of peace.”
“Felt inspired, and felt heard by the Lord”
“These signs will follow those who believe: In My name…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover (Mark 16:17-18, NKJV).”
We believe God heals people at the Silicon Valley Healing Rooms. We pray for people and the signs follow. Sometimes immediately. Sometimes over time. We extend our belief in God who heals to the person when they come in for prayer. The person has to allow God to heal them. They receive their healing.
It is not a requirement for a person to believe first to get healed. People bring dubious friends to Healing Rooms for prayer. It doesn’t bring the faith level down of those praying. After prayer (and sharing what God said before they walked in the room, and healing) belief levels rise, all around. Recovery is in motion. And the signs follow. More belief comes. More signs follow.
“These signs will follow those who believe….”
Your prayers lay the foundation for how a Healing Room day will go. Please pray, throughout the day, for flow and time management. God may speak to you ahead of time with Words of Knowledge. Let us know what He says. This blesses people powerfully.
It has been a full season for many of you. I want to encourage you to keep going. Things are on the edge of breakthrough. Lana Vawser says that the enemy is trying to discourage the prayer warriors with various challenges. She exhorts us to be all the more diligent about our decrees. We are to decree what we want God to do in this season. Let us fill our mouths with decrees over our lives and over our regions. The Lord is getting ready to do major shifts in our circumstances and in the world in which we live. All good. Prepare to be astounded!
See you Tuesday!
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms
First Presbyterian Church of Santa Clara
2499 Homestead Rd. Santa Clara, CA
on the corner of San Tomas and Homestead
Open Hours: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays March 20, April 3 & 17, May 1 & 15, June 3 7 17.
You can mark your calendars for all the first and third Tuesdays monthly for 2018.
Open Hours: 11 am – 1 pm and also 7 pm – 9 pm.