SVHR OPEN HOURS are February 2 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
For those of you who weren’t able to come to Healing Rooms last Open Hours, we considered the word to the nation for 2016 from Chuck Pierce.
“I will develop boldness like never before in a people that have grown acceptable and silent. Don’t just look at others to lead the way, for a new spirit of boldness is coming upon you. I will be rearranging many things in your nation in the days ahead. I will start shaking the present Church, and will bring a new anointing on the pastors and leaders of this land. I will shake! I will shake! I will shake again! I am choosing nations that will become Sheep. A new people I am raising up for this hour. A different move of My Spirit is beginning. There will be a freedom moving among My people. A new wind of deliverance is coming into the Church. What you swept clean in the past and reordered in the present will not be shaken. Many demonic hosts have returned to occupy the order of the last season. I must unseat that order and rearrange you into My order. Don’t resist the shaking. A new move of healing will come.”
We often pray for people struggling with illness. At other times, we have the privilege of praying for the caretakers of those with illness. One such individual came with her questions for God. The word the team received in advance was the truth from scripture that “nothing is impossible with God.” This word was exactly the reminder she needed for the situation she came for prayer over. Further, it felt like God met her with the exact encouragement she needed to keep going.
A woman came with back and shoulder pain she rated at an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. After the prayer the pain dropped to 0. She could move without any pain for the first time in months. There was great rejoicing.
In response to God’s word to Chuck Pierce, we considered our spiritual preparation for the shaking. We focused on prayer.
Jude 20-21 reads, “But you beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit; Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)—[which will bring you] into life eternal.” AMP
Now is the time to get intentional about praying daily for our needs, our cities, our nation and our state. Each person’s prayers matter. Believe that as you ask God questions, you will receive an answer. God offers direction and guidance for the decisions we need to make in our lives. For those who pray with a heavenly language, activate regularly. Our heavenly language helps in power encounters. Scripture also impacts for victory in these types of battles. Keep praying until God’s peace rests on your spirit.
Thank you for praying. We had lots of team members for the evening Open Hours with amazing results. Our morning team was strong, and the needs God brought us were deep. There was one individual that arrived and had to leave before being able to receive prayer. We pray they are able to return for a prayer time. We believe there is one more team member who God wants to nudge to come. Let us pray together in unison.
Thank you for coming and praying. For those of you who came to the evening session last Open Hours, you experienced the JOY that God had for the people coming for prayer and for the team. No matter what the burden was that walked into our appointment rooms, God seemed to be releasing joy. The team left invigorated, and the people who received prayer left with lighter hearts and faces.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at Open Hours, and seeing what God will do.
Angels stand ready to act on God’s commands in response to your prayers. God knows the sacrifice of time you each make to come and pray for others. It acts as a positive accelerator to the prayer requests.