SVHR OPEN HOURS August 20, 2019
11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm

In the middle of the traditional dog days of summer, Silicon Valley is enjoying a surprise relief from the heat of summer. It’s cool, when it’s supposed to be hot. Is it possible that there will be surprises in the blessing plan of God for His children? Many people get trained by God going through an opposite season of tough training when the rest of society rolls through a season of grace and blessing. This is often how God equips His children for what is ahead. We are ready and resilient in tough times when others who have not weathered tough things go through their first few battles. God graciously prepares His children for exactly what we will need in the coming seasons. Let us enjoy being trained and equipped as children of a God who knows our futures, and prepares us in advance for all we will need to know to survive and thrive.
During our last Open Hours…
One pain level level went from a 6/7 to 3lad to hear you are coming to the during the appointment.
One woman’s stress went from a 10 to 0.
One woman’s stress went from a 9 to a 5.”
Q: How was your experience today?
“Very Good”
“Awesome God! Loved my prayer team.”
Q: What did God do for you during your time at the Healing Rooms?”
“Alleviated some pain in my knee. Gave me songs and scripture and some renewed hope.”
“Helped me learn to declare truths over my life. This helped with some past trauma.”
“Shoulder pain significantly diminished.
Communion can be a very powerful step of healing. In the taking of the bread, we remember that Jesus’ body was bruised and beaten for us. We ask God to break any self-hatred and self-recrimination that exists inside of us. We can also ask Jesus to break our fears, our anger, and our inability to forgive.
Breaking off the things we don’t want allows room for our hearts to be filled with what God has to offer. We then do the next step of taking communion by taking the cup. We then ask Holy Spirit to fill us with God’s power, His divine love, and His divine strength. As our hearts get filled with more and more of what God’s heart is for us, we are able to receive more of the healing He has for our bodies, souls and spirits.
The spiritual winds are blowing,
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms
First Presbyterian Church of Santa Clara
2499 Homestead Rd. Santa Clara, CA
on the corner of San Tomas and Homestead
Open Hours: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays: August 20, 2019, September 3 & 17, October 1 & 15, November 5 & 19.
Open Hours: 11 am – 1 pm and also 7 pm – 9 pm.