WE ARE OPEN June 3 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
“Healing is in the room.” I heard this at a conference this weekend. The word of knowledge went forth that God wanted to heal intestinal issues: stomach issues, digestive issues, issues with the colon that have been nagging people and wouldn’t go away. It was a sweet time of healing.
This was at the beginning of a session that emphasized that we have entered into an Age of Restoration for all things. As Graham Cook says, “If you’re going through hell, you must prosper.” He continues by asking, “Who will God be for you now that He couldn’t be before? What am I to discover about God in this season?”
As others received their healing, it was also a sweet time of praising God for health and staying healthy when there are so many that suffer from these issues. “Thank you Jesus.” It starts with exactly where we are at and builds.
A woman came to the Healing Rooms very discouraged after months/years of looking for a job. She had come very close to a job in the previous week that had her hopes all up and got passed by once again. She forced herself to come to the Healing Rooms not really believing it would make a difference. She said that just being in the Soaking Rooms and sitting at the art table and reading reminders of God’s promises nourished her soul in a special way as she waited for her appointment time. Upon entering the room, she shared with her prayer team some honest questions about God wondering where He was in all of this. The team got to praying. She sat there stunned. “I’ve never heard prayers like that before.” Spiritual business was accomplished. She plans to return. She left with renewed hope.
One person’s knee pain disappeared after praying – to their utter amazement.
One person shared some emotional pain from incidents long ago. The team walked through forgiveness for several family members. There was release and freedom for her.
One person returned once again. She came with the same requests she has had before. But this time, God directed insight to some key issues. It was an “Ah Ha” moment. She jumped at the opportunity to lay these (hitherto unrealized) issues before God. She left feeling lighter than she has felt in years.
We had a young man who had heard about the Healing Rooms come to “check it out.” He was amazed at how God met him with the words given to the prayer team in advance. God surprised him by what he showed the team before he entered the prayer room. God always protects the individual’s issues from the prayer team, but gives the teams enough words or songs or scriptures or images to let the individual know that God knows where they are at and cares enough to reveal something that only God and the individual know.
We had a man come in with back pain. Ahead of time, the team saw an oak of righteousness and another saw tall buildings and statues. They talked during the appointment and went through two prayers of forgiveness for some very old incidents. Then they prayed for the back. There was no more pain. They were able to bless him in areas the Lord showed them. The team believed that the buildings represented strong institutions that God is building through this man.
Inhale forgiveness. Inhale and receive the free gift of forgiveness that God gives to all of us. Inhale it for our sins.
Then we can exhale forgiveness. We can give forgiveness so much easier if we have received our forgiveness from God. We choose to be like him, and forgive.
It is in the fullness of forgiveness that we breathe freedom. We inhale forgiveness like oxygen. We may need it as frequently as we breathe some days. Then we exhale forgiveness. It’s like breathing. We usually do it without consciously thinking about it. We take deep breaths when we come out of cluttered atmospheres. In breathing in forgiveness, we receive freedom. As we exhale forgiveness, we extend the freedom to others.
Jesus died so we could be healed. He died so we could live free. His death allows us to walk in the victory of forgiveness. Inhale forgiveness and be healed.
Matthew 26:26-28 Jesus took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
Thank you for making Healing Prayer a priority in your schedules. You reflect His glory as you look to heaven and receive what is in heaven and then give it out in prayer to those around you.
May the Lord fill you with hope believing in the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you,
Stephanie Shoquist & Joanna Gill & Susan Mitchell
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, SunnyvaleCA