SVHR Newsletter and Open Hours July 1, 2014

Speaking Life into Our Dead Situations brings the Power of God to Activation
Speaking Life into Our Dead Situations brings the Power of God to Activation

SVHR is OPEN July 1 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm

Silicon Valley Healing Rooms has entered a new season, both in the natural and supernatural.  June 21 marked the first day of summer.  June 21 was also the day of SVHR Social event for the team.  Over 80% of the team was able to attend.  It was a time to get to know each other and meet other team members from both the morning and evening teams.  There was an outpouring of food, laughter, and love.  God’s love flowed all afternoon so we could all taste and see that the Lord is good.  He smiled on us and promised to show us new things in this new season.

Having a team that feels close and connected opens the door for more revelation, healing and destiny.  We celebrate each time we come together and minister.  These times train and teach us as data points for wherever God takes us in each of our journeys.


One of our team members asked for prayer at the Social for pain in her back as she caretakes for a loved one and this God honoring role involves a lot of lifting.  Another team member saw her swaying with a hula hoop on her waist.  We laughed, and suggested she try the move with an imaginary hula hoop.  As she did this, the pain completely left her back.  Using a pain scale, the pain went from a 7 to 0.  Praise God.

The team saw in advance streams in the desert – a dry place but God has a refreshing stream.   The other member saw healing in the person’s right hand.  The team member said that the person’s testimony will be their healing. The person came in for prayer about depression.  The team prayed believing it was a significant step in this person’s healing process.

The team saw hope and redemption on the person’s work.  They gave her Jeremiah 29:11-13.  They also saw Matthew 11:28-30, and that Jesus was her strength and helping to carry the burden.  The person came seeking God’s wisdom and direction in the details of a transitional move to another city for work.  It felt very confirming for her.

They team saw ahead of time the sun shining brightly on you.  The Lord is light, constant, strong protection, never fading day, happiness, freedom, life, love, kind-hearted.  Free to be you!  God loves you.  You were created exactly as He wanted.. The woman came in seeking prayer about a move to another city.  (Note: Interesting that there were two in one day specifically requesting prayer about a move to another part of the country.)  She felt confirmed and valued and ready for the move at the end of the prayer time.


Communion is an important part of healing.  We offer communion to people frequently in the Healing Rooms.  It’s not an automatic thing.  We wait for the Lord to prompt us in an appointment.  We see God use it to “seal” a prayer time.  We see God use it with blood related prayer requests.  We notice that God nudges us when there’s a need for spiritual cleansing.

We have had appointments where God suggests giving communion to people who are tired.  We ask that the oxygen in Jesus’ blood (which is perfect) be infused into the person’s blood flow increasing their oxygen. People report feeling more energy, often immediately.

Taking communion can be like de-fragging a computer system.  It’s something we can’t really “see.”  Yet our computers run better after we do it.  Things inside our computer get filled in and compacted.  It freshens up our whole system.  Clicking the button to start the degragging process is like the decision to take communion.  The next part happens without our even really being aware that it’s happening.  Yet the results are appreciated and evidenced over time.


THANK YOU to our intercessors!  We had several words in advance of our meeting last time.  I will summarize them here.  The impacts are still unfolding.

1.         I believe much victory will be witnessed today in your appointments….It is Biblical to get sound counsel, but we must always hold sound and tight to the God of “All comforts” (2 Cor 1:3-4)!  So that’ we don’t spin and go down rabbit holes – this truth I know will mean victory to someone today!  That verse rocks.

2.         May the songs of worship stream throughout the house, over you and into your time today!

3.         “There is forgiveness in a swing set.”  I feel it may be for a visitor today or for two people?  Something to do with a swing set.

4.         “As I prayed for HR, I saw Mt.McKinley (Denali) and how the clouds float around it only sometimes showing us either peak.  Perhaps 35% of the year can you see the peaks and it is best in the winter when it is too cold/dry for rain clouds to form. I had thoughts that:

a.  No matter if we see it, the mountain is there, still looming beautifully.  Seed an image of God’s permanence, power, and presence…

b.  The best views are when conditions are starkest.  God is clearest in our deepest pains after the tears have been depleted

c.  One needs to look up to see anything.

5.         “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.”  Romans 16:20

6.         “Surrender, surrender, surrender.  He helps us to surrender, let go to bring peace.  Release the gratitude.

7.         God is stationing 4 angels at the 4 corners of the Healing Rooms today and all who enter will sense joy and light.  His light will erase any darkness that tries to enter.  His Spirit will battle the home today and tonight in joy and healing.  His grace is sufficient for today.



Thank you for hearing from God and obeying Him, as you come to bless others with healing prayer.  You reflect His glory as you look to heaven and receive what is in heaven and then give it out in prayer to those around you.

May the Lord fill you with hope believing in the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you.

Be on the lookout for new gifts that God is giving you to bless the body of Christ!

To His glory,

Stephanie Shoquist & Joanna Gill & Susan Mitchell

Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, SunnyvaleCA

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