Open Hours April 15, 2014
WE ARE OPEN APRIL 15 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
One of the Bay Area Healing Rooms, Convergent House of Prayer (CHOP) officially opened their new church building this past week. Bill Johnson from Bethel and Allen Hood from IHOP both spoke at various events.
Bill Johnson talked about empowering our dreams. He pointed out the closer a person walked with Jesus the grander the dreams became. The disciples didn’t start out trying to change the world when they first met Jesus. They were often thinking about fishing and feeding their families. After seeing Jesus’ power, and experiencing His delegated authority through them over sickness and demons, they started to expand their dreams. Johnson pointed out that Jesus didn’t scold them for having big dreams; Jesus redefined what it means to be great and how to get there. Being around Jesus changed they way they view the world. Being around Jesus today changes the way we view the world.
Being present in the Healing Rooms, and being present when God heals people, changes the way one sees challenges. It changes our perspective of ourselves and of God. Come and experience, through prayer and by praying on the prayer teams, what happens when we witness God answering prayer.
At one of the CHOP meetings this past week, a man tapped my on the shoulder and asked if he could share what God has been doing. He asked if we remembered praying for him the last time SVHR was open. Yes. He said the pain on his left side near the heart was completely gone, and he cancelled his doctor appointment. He also said the pain in his back was on the mend, but not 100%. We thanked God for the improvement, and prayed some more that night.
We had a woman come for prayer about some physical concerns who also told us her story of finding God. It started with a healthy respect for the tithe. She had learned about this in elementary school and somehow knew that this was true deep inside her heart even though she was a practicing Hindu. Ever since she had her first few dollars she set aside 10% for God and watched it grow. She knew this as a principle for years. One day she decided to learn more about God’s other principles. She started reading a Bible and eventually came to Romans 10:9 “If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that He is Lord, then you will be saved.” She stopped and offered a sentence confirming that she knew God exists and He means what He says. She said she believed Jesus was Lord over people and all other gods. Since that private moment, her faith has sprouted and she has seen God answer many prayers. We stood in faith together asking God to heal the concerns of the day. She felt the pain levels decrease, and will report back on the results as the medical tests come back.
We prayed for someone who was applying for a job while maintaining her current job duties. Since this time, her job offer has come through – in writing.
Beforehand one team saw “beauty for ashes,” (Isaiah 61:3) Sorrow for a night, and joy in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Another prayer team member heard the word “Joy” 7 times. Another saw water flowing and the word, “HOPE” and the phrase “I am with you.” (Hebrews 13:5,6). The woman came in with migraine headaches and depression. The team prayed for God to release joy and to relieve pain. Time allowed for some mini sozo prayers that do some deeper level soul prayers.
One of our visitors said she sensed incredible peace in the Soaking Room and suggested that it must be angels coming to worship and listen along to the live praise music.
Matthew 9:28-29 says “The blind men came to Him.” People came to Jesus. People are coming to the Healing Rooms. Jesus asked the blind men, “Do you believe I am able to do this?” They said, “Yes Lord.” Then He touched their eyes , saying “According to your faith let it be to you.”
Sometimes, it was the faith of Jesus. Sometimes, it was the assignment of Jesus to the disciples. The disciples (even amazed) went through the land healing people, before Jesus died and after the resurrection.
Sometimes, it is the faith of the person coming for healing—as in the woman who was healed of cancer from our Training class. “I know you can heal me father. I believe.” She believed, even when her doctors didn’t. Her daughters begged her to do the medical chemotherapy route, for fear of losing their Mom. She obliged her daughters and did three chemo appointments. The doctors gave her 6 weeks off. She went to God, and said, “This is the time. I know you want to heal me. I believe in your work. I know you took this disease for me and this true shall indeed set me free from the cancer. When she went in for the Cat Scat before the next round of treatments, the results showed she was cancer free. She has been praising God ever since and walking in 100% health.
People coming to our Healing Rooms know something:
a. They know their friend got healed
b. They know God still does healing
c. They know healing is possible, even if they know “better” is possible
d. They know salvation is near
e. They may only know of Psalm 23 or the Lords’ Prayer generally
f. They know there’s hope in the cross
g. Like Jesus in John 11:41-42, people know that God hears their prayer
At the Healing Rooms, we start with what they know and pray into it. We start with the level of faith that walks into the room and build on that faith from there. Just coming to a Healing Rooms shows that their faith is more than a mustard seed. We join our faith with theirs and bring the requests to God. He is the one that does the healing work. We give Him our praise and He releases His promises and peace and strength.
“The Lord will give strength to His people
The Lord will bless His people with peace.” Psalm 29:11
Thank you for our intercessors!
Some of you can pray for extended periods of time.
Some of you are simple available to say a short prayer of blessing and need to be elsewhere during our Open Hours.
Thank you for caring.
We believe God is giving you words before, during and throughout the month. Our Prayer Team Members need your prayer support as the enemy tries to pick off our members from time to time. They are overcomers and getting stronger through the battles. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Whether you are with us in spirit or in person, we will be worshiping in praise and song one hour prior to being open. Join us from wherever you find yourself.
If you are an intern and plan to come to pray, please let us know in advance so we can fold you into our current Prayer Team Stations. Welcome aboard.
Thank you for making Healing Prayer a priority to be able to come and see what God wants to do each time we are open. You are God’s valuable and powerful prayer warriors. We are blessed to have you on the team. The Lord knows your needs as you commit to coming to the Healing Rooms. We join you in prayer, expecting the blessings to overtake the challenges.
We have been blessed to see people in the Healing Rooms come back again and again. Change is possible and we are seeing it. Is there anything more amazing than watching God transform a person to being all He created them to be?
We delight with Jesus as we prepare celebrate Easter this April,
Stephanie Shoquist & Joanna Gill & Susan Mitchell
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, SunnyvaleCA
557 Hyannis Dr.SunnyvaleCA94087
Tuesday April 15 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday April 15 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday May 6 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday May 6 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday May 20 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday May 20 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm