Open Hours May 20, 2014
WE ARE OPEN May 20 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
Many of the Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Prayer Team had the privilege of being trained by Rev. Andy Miller teaching us the Heart Sync method of inner healing. The first part o this ministry invites people to go back to a time when they felt connected to God. People usually close their eyes and can remember a time when they were aware of God through thought, feeling or experience. Starting here allows people to engage in feeling the presence of God.
My husband and I met with a woman (and several family members) at El Camino hospital this weekend, upon request, on the oncology floor to pray. Upon being asked this question, the woman remembered back to being 10 years old. Her entire face changed and she seemed more peaceful remembering that moment. Often our role as prayer ministers allows us to validate people’s experiences with God as real. She seemed to really “feel” the presence of God as we continued in prayer together.
People who come for prayer are invited to return for more prayer. Many people come more than once since healing is often a journey, both physical and emotional. Along the way, it’s possible to take a step backwards even as the journey lurches forward. Relapse is part of healing. People receive a ‘breakthrough” in thought, relationship with god and physical healing. But then the moment doesn’t seem to sparkle so brightly the following week. That’s why people come back to power up on more prayer. We do not presume to be a substitute for a small group fellowship. Even with two week intervals, we see people improve over time as they allow prayer to be part of their healing process. We also encourage people to stay with the disciplines of prayer and hope. We had several people come for prayer last time that show great improvement, and desire to continue toward 100%. We applaud and encourage the process. God is doing a work. And it’s awesome to see the progress.
At least four people came last time we were open with one of their requests for prayer to include a more intimate walk with God. We gladly pray this and know that in this intimacy there is healing at all levels. They may have come in with knee pain or back pain, but they left feeling closer to God. We are also expecting their pain to subside over the next few days.
A woman came in with Stage 4 cancer. Our team anointed her, and offered her the Lord’s Supper. As they anointed her on the eyes (where the cancer is spreading) there was tremendous warmth. One prayer team member got a song for her of “Glory to God Forever,” and sang it to her. She also got a picture of bird flying and happy – not worried. The other prayer team member received from God before the appointment, the phrase, “I know your life.” She also received a song, “Nothing by the Blood of Jesus.” The woman left expecting to see confirmation from the medical reports of all she felt God was doing in her body.
We had two children visit us with their parents, both under the age of 10. In both cases, the parents and the kids felt much better after prayer. One situation was impossible to tell if there was improvement. The parents “felt” the presence of God. It was a blessed appointment. All three felt encouraged and joyful upon leaving.
One woman came in with shortness of breath. The team had seen “chaos” beforehand with Jesus pulling a woman into a boat. After learning more specific details of the symptoms and the timing, the team prayed and the woman felt peace and a redirect concerning her work.
Smith Wigglesworth writes, “If I cannot make a person who is suffering from the disease righteously indignant against that condition, I cannot help him. If I can make every sufferer know that suffering, disease, and all these things are the workings of the Devil, I can help him. If you can see that the Devil is after you, to kill you for all he is worth, believe that Christ is enthroned in your heart to destroy the very principles of the Devil in every way.”
Jesus Christ says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10.
As this is our choice, let’s choose life in all we do. Jesus came to that we may have it more abundantly. Let us enter into it as we prepare for the Healing Rooms on Tuesday. I bless each person that reads this with the abundant life Jesus died to give us. You are invited to come on Tuesday and receive a blessing from God in person.
Thank you for our intercessors! Their prayers cover the times we are open, and the days we are not open. They pray for the team members throughout the month, and they pray for the people God is calling to come and receive prayer – whether the people know they are coming or not.
Thank you for coming and praying with us. We are enjoying getting to know you as you come and pray with the team. You are awesome. God is pleased that you are taking steps to pray for others in the atmosphere of community. Welcome aboard.
Thank you for making Healing Prayer a priority in your schedules. You are God’s valuable and powerful prayer warriors. We are blessed to have you on the team. The Lord knows your needs as you commit to coming to the Healing Rooms. We join you in prayer, expecting the blessings to overtake the challenges.
May the Lord fill you with hope believing in the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you,
Stephanie Shoquist & Joanna Gill & Susan Mitchell
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, SunnyvaleCA
557 Hyannis Dr.SunnyvaleCA94087
Tuesday June 3 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday June 3 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday June 17 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday June 17 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday July 1 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday July 1 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday July 15 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday July 15 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm