Open Hours December 16, 2014
SVHR is OPEN December 16 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
10 am soaking, 11 am – 1 pm open hours, finish praying by 1:45 pm
6 pm soaking, 7 pm – 9 pm open hours, finish praying by 9:45 pm
December 16 Notes
We asked God for rain and that’s what we got. Lots of rain. YEAH.
The rain on December 2 made it a quieter day than usual. Despite the rainy driving conditions we had enough prayer team members to minister to everyone who came for prayer.
The rain feels like showers of refreshment, and cleansing. We agree with the Chuck Pierce Ministry 5:15 am Thursday Prayer Watch praying that with the rains in California will come a washing of the Word, a washing away of the mockery of God, and a washing away of the lies. We join other believers in asking God to establish TRUTH over this state. We ask for a revelation of Jesus Christ in all His glory to come to the Body of Christ.
We had some people return for further prayer during our last Open Hours. All of them received words from their prayer teams ahead of time that talked about how God could see their faithfulness, and how God was turning their circumstances around. It probably feels like people are “hanging on.” Yet, even in this state of waiting while not seeing the full answers to prayers currently, God met them and encouraged them to keep going. His encouragement along the way is hope while the work of waiting is still unfolding.
One team had the privilege of praying for a man who recently came out of prison. He genuinely wanted to see God’s will for his future. We prayed for the pain from the trauma of being in prison to be released. God met his request by releasing a word of destiny, despite the past. God told the team He plans to use this man to reach many with a strong gift of evangelism. God reminded this man that He was still his father and that His love never stopped based on behavior. He looked more joyful as he left the Healing Rooms.
We prayed for a man who came in with back pain. He felt a little better leaving. He had a wait for a friend who carpooled with him. By the time the second person was ready to leave, the pain had lessened further. He was amazed, since he had lived with the pain for almost 9 years. It reminded the team that God continue healing people, long after they leave.
It’s Christmas time and many want to know what God is going to give them for Christmas.
1 Corinthians 12 tells us that God gives us the “gifts of healing.” (verses 9, 28, and 30) We are privileged to operate in these gifts and watch God heal people every time we are open at SVHR. The word “gifts” is plural. There are many ways in which God heals people for which we pray. He brings physical and inner healing as well as reconciliation to relationships. Wherever there are people who turn to God and pray, there are gifts of healing being brought forth.
God’s healing touch brings hope and joy to both the healed and to those who watch it happen and to those with whom the healed one shares their experience.
Let us rejoice together in celebrating our God who heals and blesses His people with gifts of healing.
During our team soaking time, prior to praying for the visitors, one of our leaders saw us standing with Jesus in a half circle. Around his feet was a huge waterfall, on the scale of Niagara Falls, but bigger. She asked Jesus what that was. He said it was the coming move of His Spirit pouring out on the earth like it’s never been seen before. It was a privilege to be with Him watching it from His perspective.
Again, we take our position of prayer before God, ready to watch Him heal all who come for prayer on December 16.
We had a great time at the Christmas celebration for all who were able to come. We offered a copy of Cal Pierce’s Preparing the Way, with a history and vision for Healing Rooms around the world.
Thank you for being on the team and coming to pray this year. God knows in advance who has come, who is coming, and who will be coming for prayer. He nudges you to be there to bless particular people. Your experience and victory are powerful to bless the people who end up in your Prayer Appointments. Come and lend your faith, and share the authority that comes with your victory with others.
Our prayer is that God will show us more of His glory in 2015.
Merry Christmas!
Stephanie Shoquist, Susan Mitchell, and Cathy Railton
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms
557 Hyannis Dr.SunnyvaleCA94087
1st & 3rd Tuesdays (January 6 & 20, February 3 & 17, March 3 & 17)
10 am soaking, 11 am – 1 pm open hours, finish praying by 2 pm
6 pm soaking, 7 pm – 9 pm open hours, finish praying by 10 pm