November News for Open Hours November 19
We are open next Tuesday November 19 for prayer. Please come and pray and watch God heal!
God is on the move through Healing Rooms. We now have 7 Healing Rooms in the Bay Area. Four years ago, there were 3: Hayward, Redwood City, and Brentwood. In 2011, Milpitas and Sunnyvale opened. This year Fremont and Los Altos opened. In January 17-18, there will be a training for a new Healing Rooms in San Francisco getting ready to open within the first few months of 2014.
Healing Rooms are opening because God is putting it on people’s hearts and action plans to release the power of God in prayer for healing. As people get healed, change occurs. People are not the same after they’ve encountered God. Jesus expected healing in cities to bring repentance. Matt 11:21. Repentance brings revival. The spiritual needs of the Bay Area (and America) have had prayer warriors praying to bring God to the forefront of people’s minds and hearts, and into the fabric of our society. Your prayers are working. Healings Rooms provides a sneak preview to what God is getting ready to do in bringing revival to our land.
For the morning time on November 5, we had 2 prayer stations and 5 visitors. Last Tuesday evening we were open we had 5 prayer stations and 10 visitors. Each prayer station prayed for two people. It allowed for the luxury of going deeper on many issues. Visitors arrived open to hearing God and willing to let prayer do a deep work in many cases. The Prescription forms are being used encouraging people to stop by the Welcome Center to pick up all the recommended handouts, devotionals, Bibles, and testimony sheets. Thank you to our Soaking Room ministers who greet when people arrive and who see the transformed faces when people leave and listen to how God’s impacted our visitors during their appointment time.
People continue to be amazed that God knows something about them before they walk in the door. There was one appointment where a retired Japanese gentleman had come with his wife for prayer. We had gotten words ahead of time about a wound in his childhood, and one person saw the man frozen in a human sized ice block that was starting to melt and thaw from the top down. We prayed for the physical issue and then held our breath as we shared what we had gotten ahead of time, not knowing how this man might take it. He listened calmly and then said both the images were absolutely correct. (We started breathing again) He was amazed. We prayed for what God had specifically asked us to pray and ended the appointment expectant that God was doing a spiritual, emotional and physical healing with this recent ailment.
We had one entire Bible Study that meets on Tuesday arrive and come for prayer instead of meeting for a Bible Study at their home. Each individual received unexpected words of hope and support that lead to wonderful prayer times. Two people ended up with mini sozos closing one of the doors they didn’t realize was open and asking God to break some generational patterns.
Another woman came because she had visited a Healing Rooms in Modesto and had received prayer and healing. She learned about our Healing Rooms, which is closer to where she lives, and came for prayer needs with family members. One prayer appointment can not fix all; but she was blessed with hope and invited to come again.
Some of these visitors have begun a process by inviting God to the painful parts of their world. Healing can be a process. You are invited to keep praying for people if they come to mind after the prayer appointment. God may be using your prayers to water the garden He is developing in them. If someone comes to your mind, send up a prayer of blessing for whatever God puts on your heart.
Healing Thought
Have you ever noticed that 1 Corinthians 12:9 talks about the fact that God give “gifts of healings by the same Spirit”?
“Gifts” are plural. We pray for people of many different needs with a variety of ways that God urges us to pray. The more we pray for healing, the more we expand our “gifts” of healing. Every time you experience answered prayer in the Healing Rooms and extend your faith alongside another prayer minister, you are increasing your foundation of faith. God is answering many different prayers and attending to many different ailments. Each time you see victory in an area, it increases the ability to pray with confidence for more and more ailments. Your “gifts of healings” are expanding.
When someone experiences a victory over a particular area—either physical or emotional, they have conquering authority over that issue when they pray for others. If someone comes in for prayer on being glutton sensitive, I try to get people who have gotten victory from being glutton sensitive to pray for them. It’s powerful. As you pray alongside various team members, with their strengths, your gifts of healings are being awakened, taught, and filled.
Further, just by hearing and reading about people’s testimonies of getting healed, it becomes something you own. At the Healing Rooms Training in Los Altos over the weekend of Nov 1 & 2, we heard about a man who literally opened the Bible over his wife and put it on her uterus. He was putting the word of God over her condition. He did this because he had been taught that he had spiritual authority as head of the household and could pray for her with authority. She was healed and remains cancer free. As we hear these stories, they become part of the word of God in us. It is another faucet for building our “gifts of healings” that we can talk about with anyone in our healing rooms. It is another point of confidence that we can share as “testimony” that helps people overcome the enemy of sickness.
Let’s ask God to expand our “gifts of healings” as we prepare to come to the Healing Rooms and pray. With two people, it multiplies. With more, it gets exponential. Be sure to come early this Tuesday for Soaking Time. We will lay our gifts out and share what God is doing to bless one another as we go to prayer.
Invitation to Intercede
If any of you can not attend this Tuesday, but are available to intercede for us during the Open Hours, please let us know this. We love to receive texts from you if God gives you a word while interceding. Texts have proven to be extremely accurate and exactly what the person (or the whole prayer team) needed to hear.
Last time we had two images to pass along. I am starting to realize that words given to our intercessors can be a blessing for the team as well as a blessing for the people coming into our Healing Rooms.
The words last time focused on God’s awareness of some hidden struggles people were having. One was an eating disorder stemming from rejection by others. The solution would be to introduce this person to God and His identity for them. Very powerful.
There was another picture of someone hugging a pillow to the chest and stomach. God wanted to be that person’s pillow. He wanted them to know how gentle and soft and protective He is.
Words from God are so awesome to read at the moment and even two weeks later. For those of you who missed being able to come, there were good moments of feeling loved.
We stayed in the Soaking Room a little longer to bless each other with words for one another before heading to the Prayer Stations. It was a sweet and extra special anointing during the Soaking time. We hope these words from God for you are part of the blessing of serving on the Healing Rooms teams. I think about the words people pray over me for days (weeks) afterwards. You all hear really well from God.
A Worship Blessing
We played the song “Manifesto: by The City Harmonic during Soaking Time. Awesome song, with the Lord’s Prayer tucked in there.
“We are free He died and lives again
We will be a people freed from sin
We’ll be free, a kingdom with no end
And all of the people of God sang along
Amen Amen, yeah Amen Amen
See you Tuesday November 19
Thank you for making Healing Prayer a priority to be able to come and see what God wants to do each time we are open. You are God’s valuable and powerful prayer warriors. We are blessed to have you on the team. Continue contending in prayer. It is more powerful than you realize.
Blessings of Joy and Hope,
Stephanie Shoquist & Joanna Gill
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, Sunnyvale CA
557 Hyannis Dr. Sunnyvale CA 94087
Future Dates for your Calendar
Tuesday November 19 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday November 19 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday December 3 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday December 3 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday December 17 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday December 17 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday January 7 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday January 7 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday January 21 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday January 21 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday February 4 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday February 4 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm
Tuesday February 18 11 am to 1 pm Soaking starts at 10:00 am
Tuesday February 18 7 pm to 9 pm Soaking starts at 6:00 pm