SVHR Newsletter August 19, 2014

SVHR is OPEN August 19 from 11am – 1pm AND from 7pm – 9pm

"Is not my word like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?"  Jer 23:29
“Is not my word like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?” Jer 23:29

Thank you for all who came out on August 5.  We had 25 people come for prayer.  Our morning team had 4 stations open with 16 visitors.  Three people left without receiving prayer.  We had an abundance of children included in the count with parents trying to get prayer for kids before school started.

Part of the day’s teaching was Jeremiah 23:29  “’Does not My word burn like fire?”  says the Lord, ‘Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?’”  It seemed to be appropriate for people who came in with those long term prayer requests that needed to know the word of God is acting like a hammer to bring breakthrough to their circumstances.


A man came in requesting spiritual strength.  He is still grieving his wife’s passing of three years ago.  WE prayed for strength and peace and emotional and physical coping with loss.  We also commanded the spirit of grief to leave which allows for the Holy Spirit as comforter to do His job comforting the human grief.

One team got ahead of time a picture of children smiling.  The said that children are the greatest in the kingdom.  Matthew 18:3.  Another team member got to sow the seed in your heart and it will grow into fruit.  And a third member referenced 2 Samuel 17:28-29 where Shobi and Makir and Barillai brough bedding and bowls and food to David and his men.  The woman who came for prayer wanted prayer for  handling all the people God has been sending in her life who are in great need, some of which are children.  She was blessed by the words ahead of time as well as the prayer.

The team saw an arrow pointing downward.  “Are you feeling down?”  Matt 11:28 “Come all who are weary.”  One antidote to feeling down is to lift Jesus up, so they wrote this down in advance to encourage.  The suggested listening to Brian Johnson’s lyrics “Be Lifted High.”  They also got the verse, “I will lead you and guilde you,” in Psalm 34.  Proverbs 3:5,6.  Prayer request was for a breakthrough in prayers for family, health, and looking for a church and salvation for family.  The individual was conforted and blessed by the scriptures and song and prayer.

The team heard the phrase, “Apple of God’s eye.”  They saw a beautiful flower, shining bright.  Their fragrance sweeps the Lord off His feet.  James 4:8.  They saw a redwood tree pointed toward God.  “Don’t grow weary in well doing.”  Galatians 6:9.  God loves you!. Seeds you sow will crack open in God’s time.  The woman who came in for prayer is a caretaker for an elderly parent.  It has been a burden and she was greatly comforted by all of the reminders from God to the team.


We have had a few people come in who grew up in Christian households with difficult parents.  In their processing, they took timeout to sort through their faith.  Some of them have come back to faith, but struggle really believing that the Lord can forgive them for their years of questioning.

Below are some of the counter points we share from scripture.  We also suggest they take home our “How God Sees Us” one page hand out with dozens of scriptures.  For homework, we suggest they read the scriptures out loud.

No Blasphemy Tolerated
No Blasphemy Tolerated

1.  We tell them that the very fact that their salvation is of concern should tell them they are saved.

2.  Hebrews 8:12, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness.  Their sins, and their lawless deeds, I will remember no more.”

3.  How big is God? Big enough to remove human sin?  Was the greatness of Jesus’ sacrifice sufficient unto you?

4.  Blasphemy is when someone claims, “There is no God.” It’s not acknowledging God in nature or in events or in their creation.

5.  We suggest they remember the thief on the cross next to Jesus who was saved that very day.

6.  We pray they are not robbed of the joy of salvation.

7.  Romans 11:27  “For this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins.”

We are part of the New Covenant which Jesus brought to earth and ushered in with his death and resurrection.

This is, by no means, a complete set of points. You may have some of your own to add to this.  As a starting point, it might bless some people.


THANK YOU to our intercessors!


God showed one of our intercessors the following for our Open Hours last time.  I share it here with you as a blessing.


As I was praying and declaring breakthrough for the people coming for prayer, God reminded me and encouraged me about “breakthrough” – what it can look like and our role in helping people receive their breakthrough.


He showed me the following:

I saw a person, then a thin crack appeared down the front of them. Slowly the person split open and the glory of God within them was revealed as bright shining light. 

Growing People - pict of a plantThen I saw a seed that had been planted in the soil start to germinate and slowly poke through the surface of the earth.


Breakthrough in a person’s life can (metaphorically speaking) first appear on the surface as a crack. A crack can look pretty insignificant, but over time, God can take that crack and break it wide open to reveal His Glory.


When a seed germinates, it does not simultaneously obliterate its casing and instantly emerge as a mature plant. It takes time for the plant to grow through the split in the seed casing and emerge through the soil and then grow into maturity.


God impressed upon me that watering is so important! It takes time to water. Watering is so important – it’s what the seed needs to “break through” the casing and grow through the soil so it can “break through” to the surface where it can receive the light of the sun (Son)! He impressed upon me to not disparage watering. Do not disparage the time it takes to water. God can do things instantaneously when we minister to people but sometimes breakthrough takes time.


God has a process and He has a plan. He’s asking us to partner with Him in the process and the plan! Watering is part of the process. We are not responsible for delivering the outcome nor the timing of the outcome. He will deliver the outcome in His perfect timing!


Thank you team for your faithfulness in praying!


To His glory,


Stephanie Shoquist & Susan Mitchell

Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, SunnyvaleCA

557 Hyannis Dr.SunnyvaleCA94087



Tuesday Aug 19                     11 am to 1 pm  Soaking starts at 10:00 am

Tuesday Aug 19                       7 pm to 9 pm   Soaking starts at 6:00 pm



Tuesday Sept 2                        11 am to 1 pm  Soaking starts at 10:00 am

Tuesday Sept 2                       7 pm to 9 pm  Soaking starts at 6:00 pm


Tuesday Sept 16                     11 am to 1 pm  Soaking starts at 10:00 am

Tuesday Sept 16                       7 pm to 9 pm   Soaking starts at 6:00 pm



Tuesday Oct 7                        11 am to 1 pm  Soaking starts at 10:00 am

Tuesday Oct 7                       7 pm to 9 pm  Soaking starts at 6:00 pm


Tuesday Oct 21                     11 am to 1 pm  Soaking starts at 10:00 am

Tuesday Oct 21                       7 pm to 9 pm   Soaking starts at 6:00 pm



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