*Exciting announcement! The opening of… THE SAN FRANCISCO HEALING ROOMS!
The International Association of Healing Rooms is an inter-denominational ministry, and is one of the cutting edges for establishing His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. “Heal the Body, Heal a City, Heal a Nation.” Partnering to spread the healing Miracles of Jesus, and Equipping the Body for the work of healing trough training classes and conferences.
*BIBLICAL TRAINING IN PRAYING FOR HEALING January 17-18 SFThe SF Healing Rooms partners with SFHOP, Revive, and Sunset Bible Church for Healing Service, Friday 6:30 to 9pm, & Training, Saturday 9am to 5:30pm. Worship with Ana Frangos. The Saturday training is required if you want to join the Healing Room ministry. Speakers: Sue Burdullis, director of Camarillo Healing Rooms and Stephanie Shoquist, director of Silicon Valley Healing Rooms. Freewill offering. Training manuals available. Bring your own lunch or list of local eateries provided. sfhealingrooms@gmail.com