SVHR OPEN HOURS January 16, 2018
11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm
We are in a new season of acceleration and suddenlies. It is time to pull your dreams out and ask God to breathe new life into then. This year, God is fulfilling many of the things that have been promised and we haven’t seen fulfilled yet. BELIEVE! TRUST! EXPECT! It is time to look for God’s answers and blessings to many years of prayer.
Feedback from our last Open Hours…
Story: One woman reported that a picture image given to her in December in her prayer appointment had come back to her many times. She said every time she thought of it, it continued to give her peace and joy. She said the picture image was a living piece of hope for her. It also gave her strength to believe with confidence for her complete healing as she is walking out the fullness of getting to health.
Q: How was your experience today?
“Wonderful. Prayer was great”
“Very conforting”
Q: What did God do for you during your time at the Healing Rooms?”
“Action Plan was formed for the New Year. Thank you all!”
“Reveal to me changes are coming and to keep reaching.”
“Give confirmation on things going on.”
“Blessed me by speaking to my pain”
When we don’t get everything the way we want, it can be tempting to throw a pity party. The problem is that Jezebel always comes to our pity parties.
Ahab’s offer to buy Naboth’s vineyard got refused. “Naboth said to Ahab, ‘The LORD forbid that I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you! (1 Kings 21:3 NKJV).” Jezebel came and asked dejected Ahab what the matter was. Next, the good man Naboth was murdered.
Elijah had just defeated 450 Baal prophets before the people of Israel and declared “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God! (1 Kings 18:39, NKJV).” Then Elijah ran for his life from Jezebel, and prayed that God would take his life. An angel arrived before Jezebel found Elijah. The angel spoke kindly and gave him food and rest.
Then God dialogued with Elijah. God gave Elijah facts he didn’t know. “Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him (1 Kings 19:18, NKJV).” And God assigned Elijah some prophetic duties. Game On! Time to move out (take action) armed with updated information.
So the next time it’s tempting to throw a pity party, remember that Jezebel might come, and call it off. Research the facts. Armed with data God provides (or directs us to), it’s time to get back to the “work” of our destinies and purpose.
Accelerated healings for 2018. Our prayers are making a difference in people’s loves. Even when we’re tired and we thought we had had our last appointment, the words and prayers you offer to that person are what they hang on to as a rhema word from God.
Let heaven come down,
Stephanie Shoquist and Donna Maranon
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms
First Presbyterian Church of Santa Clara
2499 Homestead Rd. Santa Clara, CA
on the corner of San Tomas and Homestead
2018 DATES
Open Hours: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays January16, February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20.
Open Hours: 11 am – 1 pm and also 7 pm – 9 pm.