Silicon Valley Healing Rooms (SVHR) is OPEN November 4, 2014
10 am soaking, 11 am – 1 pm open hours
6 pm soaking, 7 pm – 9 pm open hours
1st & 3rd Tuesdays (November 4 & 18, December 2 & 16, January 6 & 20)
Thank you for your prayers and the specific words received in advance:
“Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:4).
Be encouraged team! God is working on the prayers you prayed last month, 3 months ago, 6 months ago. He waters the seeds of prayer that you have sown.
On October 21st the soaking time teaching focused on 1 Peter 1:7:
“These [trials] have come so your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise…to Jesus Christ.”
There is power in praising God. Trials bring us to that point, eventually – that’s one of their goals. We can choose to praise God now, in good times, and in challenging times. We can praise Him now, in good circumstances, and in challenging circumstances. Since He inhabits the praises of His people, praise releases His power into our circumstances. Praise reminds us of how powerful He is and of His love for us. It was an encouraging word for the prayer teams and a reminder to invite the people coming for prayer to praise God too!
Prior to praying with a person, one prayer team was given a vision from God of a person with a necktie being knotted, smoothed down and the person then getting on with life. They also received a word from God that now was the time for employment and to step into LIFE and SHALOM. Sure enough, when they turned the page over, the team saw that the person wanted prayer for direction in their vocation and favor in a job search. The person also wanted more vitality in life. The team prayed with assurance that God knows the plans He has for this person, that He is already lining this person up with the direction He has for their life, and that the person would have great peace.
A woman came in already determined in her heart to break off a dating relationship with her boyfriend because he doesn’t make God the top priority in his life. The team saw God contending for her and ready to offer her new things. They saw her destiny written in heaven as she pleases God. The team prayed with her for God’s good plan, broke soul ties, and blessed her with God’s acceptance and approval.
We had several parents come in with prayer requests for their children. We reminded the parents that God is a parent too and He is more than able to help them. God does not hold them to the false standard of perfect parenting. God’s perfection stands ready to help them with their families. In addition to praying for the specific requests of the parents for their children, we prayed for the parents to receive God’s help in the midst of life’s challenges and we asked for the bloodline of Jesus to be drawn so patterns and short comings do not get passed down to the next generation.
In the soaking time, one of our prayer team members shared her testimony of how God had miraculously healed her from severe heart damage caused by the breaking away of a large blood clot that was forming in her leg. Five days after being rushed to hospital and with the intercession and prayers of her family, her heart was almost completely back to normal. Doctors were amazed and called it a miracle. Several weeks later her heart tested completely normal. Within an hour of giving her testimony, a little girl was brought by a family friend to the SVHR needing prayer for a heart condition. The little girl’s parents don’t have a faith or attend church, but they said it would be okay for her to receive prayer from our Healing Room. The little girl loves art and took full advantage of our art table as she drew pictures while waiting for an appointment. Because the team member was already walking in God’s victory over her own heart issue, we went and got her to pray for this young girl. We blessed the little girl and encouraged her. Part of the prayer was also for the parents to be amazed at the healing in their daughter and to come to the Lord as a result of God’s goodness.
There is a woman who has come several times to both SVHR and other Healing Rooms in the region for prayer. She desires, but has not yet received, instant healing for her cancer — but she has recognized that the prayer she has been getting has helped sustain her in the medical process. She said she has read Doty Osteen’s book on “Healed of Cancer” so often that she’s memorized practically all the verses contained therein. She’s read and reread our Healing Scriptures handout filled with God’s word about healing. She’s been a member of her church for years and participated in their social justice causes. But it has been through the transforming prayers offered at the Healing Rooms on her behalf that she has seen a change. She called it “the real deal.” She struggles with wondering why God has taken so long, but is submitting to the process of healing.
Part of this woman’s healing is in the journey. James 1:4 says,
“Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
It has been through this woman’s perseverance that she has sought a real God outside her understanding from church, which hasn’t taught her about her identity in Christ and His working power for miracles TODAY. It has been in rereading the testimonies of those who have been healed of cancer that she has established a foundational belief that God can, wants to, and is healing her (even if she is frustrated with the timing). It has been in rereading the healing materials and books that she has been “meditating” and “memorizing” scriptures without that ever having been a goal of hers before. She has been putting the “living truth” of the word inside her mind where it brings physical change to her body. There has been an increase in honest dialogue with God (sometimes with others and sometimes alone) called prayer. There has been an increasing trust and reliance on what God has said to her through the prayer team members’ prophetic prayers— those words have become more important to her than what the doctors say to her. There has even been progress in her symptoms despite the prognosis from the doctors. She has been consistent in attending the healing rooms and even coming early and staying late to “soak” in the music (learning to worship and let worship have its place in her healing). We rejoice and give God glory for the spiritual healing and growth that we see.
Despite competing with a World Series game, the October 21st open hours of SVHR had 5 stations praying for 15 people in the evening. The morning team prayed for 15 people with 4 stations available.
Team Members: Thank you again for your service!
To His glory,
Stephanie Shoquist, Susan Mitchell, and Cathy Railton
Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, Sunnyvale CA