The Making of a Miracle

Dutch Sheets gave a sermon at Oasis Church in Ohio on September 4, 2024. He talked about the Suddenlies of God. He highlighted scriptures from Revelation and talked about the golden bowls of incense which are the prayers of the saints from the perspective of heaven. Let us look at two passages in Revelation where these Prayer Bowls are mentioned.

Revelation 5:8 NASB
“When He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”
Revelation 8:3-5 NASB

“Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him, so that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense ascended from the angel’s hand with the prayers of the saints before God. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and hurled it to the earth; and there were peals of thunder and sounds, and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.”

When these bowls of Incense in heaven are poured out, the results are seen on earth as thunder, sounds, lightning, and earthquakes. All the events described happen unexpectedly on earth. Even if one knows a storm is coming, one doesn’t know exactly where lightning will strike, or thunder will sound in the heavens. These events happen suddenly.
Miracles also happen suddenly. We call an unexpected healing a “miracle.” Miracles are identified as events that defy traditional patterns of science, behavior, or nature. Our language describes such events as “amazing, impossible, unbelievable, or inexplicable.” Often when the “impossible” happens, we call it a “miracle”. We ascribe the event to God because there is no explanation for what just happened. In fact, miracles have been known to bring atheists to the knowledge that there must be a God, or some sort of supernatural power, involved.

Dutch’s point in looking at the Revelation passages is that what appears to be a “Suddenly” really is the pouring out from the bowls of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Our prayers fill the bowls. The bowls spill out “miracles” when they are full. Sheets also shared that he thought there should have been action points sooner around certain topics. When he talked to God about it, God said that if the bowls tip too soon, the spills would have been trickles, and not the fullness of the miracle needed. This revelation gives us the unction to keep praying, and to keep filling the bowls. Get others to pray with us. Answers to prayer are often the culmination of many people praying together for an event.

For example, many parents pray for their adult children to come “back to faith” when they clearly remember the time when their children’s hearts were turned toward God, and declarations of faith were made. They watch in distress as they see their children choose paths that lead away from God. What if their collective heart-cry prayers are filling the bowl of revival? In 2023, we saw a “spilling over” at Ashbury College in Kentucky where many people from around the world visited and turned to God with salvations, healings, and deliverances. Since then, the saints’ prayers have been filling up this bowl of revival to a tipping point once again.

Whatever your prayer is, keep praying. Physical health, mental health, spiritual health, national health—keep praying. Join in with friends, because “where two or three have gathered together in My [Jesus’] name, I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20). Prayer is powerful. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16).

We invite you to visit the Healing Rooms so we can join with you in prayer for whatever your prayer request is. We believe all your prayers are filling the bowls. We expect to see God answer prayers.
God Answers Prayer
Since our last Healing Rooms Open Hours:

A woman who had been on the Wait List got an appointment and received prayer. She wrote that her stress level went from a 10 to 2. Her experience was “great.” She received deep revelation, encouragement and healing in her mind. She saw breakthrough in healing relationships in her family through God changing her.

A woman came for an appointment last Open Hours. The team had heard God say ahead of time that He would contend with those who contended with the woman (Isaiah 49:25). Another team member was drawn to the scripture where Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you think I am?” (Matthew 16:15). And another team member felt God seeing her and taking care of her as referenced in Ezekiel 16:6-8. When the woman came into the room, she had a praise report before she shared her current prayer requests of sleep disorders and pain. The praise report is that the voices she had been hearing in her head for seven years had completely stopped. (🤸 🤸 🤸) She had waited to test the victory for over a year. The seven years of torment came with bad dreams and negative self-defeating thoughts. She had persistently sought God and been to many places for prayer (including Silicon Valley Healing Rooms). She wants her testimony of victory to give hope to others to keep pressing in till breakthrough happens. Her victory has given her faith to believe that all things are possible. Her story made this truth a celebration. She received what God had given to the prayer team members ahead of time and the prayers with a believing heart trusting God for the answers to her current prayer requests.
The teams prayed for anxiety, marriages, dental matters, a broken wrist from pickleball, heart healing, strength to take action, wisdom, childhood trauma, cancer, collapsed lung, diabetes, fibromyalgia, God’s peace and strength, relief from fear and worry, high blood pressure, AFIB symptoms, rapid heartbeat, perseverance and endurance, life direction, whether to move or not, relationship with adult children, legal court cases, faith renewal, breakthrough in circumstances, counteracting witchcraft, workplace challenges, a new place to live, coping with the loss of a loved one, caring for a loved one, financial breakthrough, sciatica, lung cancer, sleep disorders, and trauma from an accident several years ago.
Scheduling An Appointment
Together, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Prayer Ministers are ready to take your prayer requests to God in prayer. They also seek God’s word for you in advance of the appointment.
We are now taking signups for prayer appointments for Tuesday Oct 1, 2024
To sign up for an appointment, there are TWO STEPS:
1. Let us know your TOP THREE APPOINTMENT TIME PREFERENCES, in order of priority.
We will coordinate the teams, and send the zoom information on Monday for the appointment on Tuesday.
2. Share a phone number so we can TEXT you with scheduling changes.
In the event that we are not able to offer you the time frames you desire, you may share a phone number with us to text you if an opening should arise when someone needs to cancel an appointment. This happens from time to time, and we are able to text you to see if you are available to join an available prayer team. All information is confidential to the ministry and is not used for solicitation. This step is optional.
You are welcome to sign up for prayer appointments at the following times listed below:
Morning Times: | 11:10 to 11:40 am |
| 11:55 to 12:25 pm |
| 12:40 to 1:10 pm |
Evening Times: | 7:10 to 7:40 pm |
| 7:55 to 8:25 pm |
| 8:40 to 9:10 pm |
It is our greatest joy to join you in prayer and pray for whatever you want to bring before God.
We pray, believing, knowing, and confident that God answers prayer.
If you don’t need prayer right now, you are welcome to forward this to others you know that might want people to pray with them.
***We love to hear how God has answered prayer. Please share what God has done in your life as a result of prayer. You can reply to this email, or share it in your appointment, or write a comment on our web site.
The spiritual winds are blowing strength, life, and peace into us,
Stephanie Shoquist, Donna Maranon, Jim Clow
Directors, Silicon Valley Healing Rooms Team
Future Open Hours Online: October 1 & 15, November 5 & 19, December 3 & 17
You can contribute to Silicon Valley Healing Rooms online or by cash or check. Learn more by visiting the website