Monthly archives: March, 2023

Invitation to Pray with SVHR April 4, 2023 & Newsletter

Declarations of Scripture We find lots of scripture with promises in the Bible. And it’s easy to read these as merely nice sentences. In fact, if God promises something in scripture, it can be depended upon. How is that possible? Sometimes, a particular sentence or scripture will leap off the page and into our hearts. …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR March 21, 2023 & Newsletter

Journey to Health God does heal people immediately. But He heals many more people in time. “Not right away” doesn’t mean “not ever.” Most of us who have had to wait for an answer to prayer can speak to the lessons learned along the journey of waiting for answers. Most answers to prayer come with …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR March 7, 2023 & Newsletter

Next open hours: Tuesday March 7th Getting on Track Going through a long ordeal, whether it be medical, legal, circumstantial, or spiritual, requires a shift in focus. The medical routine, or the legal briefs, or the financial reports can be dire and create anxiety. The ongoing process can cause weariness even to the most stalwart …