Monthly archives: July, 2022

Invitation to Pray with SVHR August 2, 2022 & Newsletter

Partnering with God for Healing             Most of us know that if a doctor recommends steps to follow to regain health, we will do so. Doctor Jesus has some recommendations as well. 1.         Speak Life with our Words. Whether it is a medical diagnosis or a series of circumstances that we are battling, we speak …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR July 19, 2022 & Newsletter

Next open hours: Tuesday July 19th Invitation to Receive Prayer from SVHR Online sessions continue to occur every first and third Tuesday of the month. You are invited to schedule time to receive prayer on those days. The upcoming virtual prayer room dates are Tuesday July 19th (Schedule An Appointment) and Tuesday August 2nd. Scriptural Touchstone Shifting the …

Invitation to Pray with SVHR July 5, 2022 & Newsletter

Establishing Faith             An amazing number of people live with both faith and fear. Fears come in all sizes and varieties. Some are in the category of “my little fear,” for example, of trying to never upset anyone, and some are the “big fear” varietal of “what happens when I die?” The Bible talks about …