SVHR Newsletter & Open Hours January 6, 2015

It's  New Year.  Let us look unto God for Direction and Wisdom
It’s New Year. Let us look unto God for Direction and Wisdom

SVHR is OPEN January 6 from 11am – 1pm and 7pm – 9pm

January 6 Notes

Happy New Year

This year starts with prayer.  Many churches and ministries we know are asking people to fast and pray this January.  Some suggest 7 Days to Breakthrough.  Others suggest fasting for 21 days, following Franklin Jantzen’s model.  Some churches are calling for complete Prayer Immersion.  IHOP in Kansas City is asking people to urgently call a sacred assembly and gather the people to pray for our country.  Let’s join by starting this year covered in prayer.  In his teaching on Sunday, evangelist Robert Henderson added, “Get Specific. “   God answers specific requests so that we will know it was God who answered the prayer.

Mike Bickle, from Kansas City, at the One Thing conference, urgently called for people to gather together and pray for our nation.  Things are more serious than a quick prayer time.  It is time to stay in prayer – with others – for the direction of our country.  It is time for the church to find its voice in society and get in alignment with God’s ways.  It is time to fear God as a nation and put Him first in our priorities.

When we meet in pre-prayer, it is our time to pray as God directs us.  When people come for healing prayer to SVHR, we pray specifically for their requests.  And we are seeing God answer these prayers.  This is a year of acceleration.  I believe we will see this as we pray for people in our Prayer Appointments:  accelerated answers before our eyes.  May God get all the glory.


One woman writes, “The Lord comes through every single time [I come for prayer.]  I am so blessed and encouraged and He always answers our prayers.  Thank you tremendously to all the ministering brothers and sisters, the host and our God!  He is indeed Perfect!”

A man came in with neck pain and chest pain.  After prayer, the pain in the neck went down from a level 6 to a level 3.  The pain in his chest went from a 4 to a 2.  Praise God.  The team rejoiced with him and gave the man some healing scriptures to learn and pray for himself.

A woman came in with a hip injury from sports.  After prayer, there was tingling in her hip and she felt lighter.   The team also prayed off a spirit of fear from her hip from the fear of disappointing herself.

One woman came for healing in her stomach.  The team asked some questions and felt lead to pray for healing and release from past guilt.  The team shared some verses from scripture about God’s unconditional love.  Afterwards, the woman left feeling better physically and feeling better about self image.  The team recommended the SVHR handout on “How God Sees You” with over 50 scripture references to ponder, study, and memorize.

One woman came for prayer with stress issues from her job environment.  The team prayed.  They also opened her eyes to a possible spiritual battle behind the circumstances.  This topic was not new to her; but she had never been exposed to teaching on this subject.  She left with several Bible Study guide suggestions on spiritual warfare.


John 3:36 reads, “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life;  and he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life…”  God gives life and healing.  When people come to the Healing Rooms, they are coming to seek prayer from people (all of you) who see life.  As members of the Prayer Team, you see life in a living Jesus.  You pray with insight from the Holy Spirit who lives in you.  Your vision for life and healing, through Jesus, gives life, as you pray with people.

The excitement builds as we gather together to see God give life to all who seek prayer.


Again, we take our position of prayer before God, ready to watch Him heal all who come for prayer on January 6.  It has already been a year of acceleration. One woman called for prayer on the phone at the end of December who had come down with a terrible cold over Christmas for over a week, and wasn’t able to see her grandkids at Christmas (because she didn’t want to give them the cold).  After prayer, she was much better within 24 hours.

If you get a word, or a scripture, or a picture image in prayer, please forward it to one of the Leadership team members.  They consistently prove to be a blessing to the team and to those who come for prayer.


On Wednesday January 21 at 6:30 pm, Joan Hunter will be coming to the Hayward Healing Rooms.  Joan has written books and taught around the world on Healing.  The meeting is open to the public for healing.  She will be teaching first and then offering prayer for the Healing.  SVHR Team Members will be welcome to join the Hayward Team to pray for others.  It will be an incredible way to refresh your soul and spirit with Joan’s teachings, stories and testimonies from around the world.  All are welcome.  Come, invite others, and bring anyone who wants healing.



The way to gird up in prayer is to “Just Do It.”

Let’s glorify God by praying for people in a committed way for 2015.

Our prayer for our Healing Rooms is that God will show us more of His glory in 2015.

Happy New Year,

Silicon Valley Healing Rooms

557 Hyannis Dr. Sunnyvale CA94087


1st & 3rd Tuesdays (January 6 & 20, February 3 & 17, March 3 & 17)

11 am – 1 pm open hours, finish praying by 2 pm

7 pm – 9 pm open hours, finish praying by 10 pm

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